China Watch #8 – The Chinese Economy and Chinese Economics

China Watch Vol. 1, No. 8, November 2021, ISSN 2786-2860


The Chinese Economy and Chinese Economics

ZHANG Xiaojing[1]

Director and Professor of the Institute of Finance and Banking

China Academy of Social Sciences



Chinese people always enjoy talking about the miracle of China’s economic growth, while foreigners look upon it with admiration. China no longer occupies a dispensable role, at least on the economic level. However, the embarrassing thing about it is that we still have not been able to get the world outside to fully understand everything that has happened in the Chinese mainland in the past thirty-plus years, and many of the stories about China are in fact being told by foreigners, in their languages, and through their models. In other words, the Chinese themselves still have not found the appropriate economic language to interpret Chinese experiences. This is actually a problem in the development of Chinese economics. Although the function of Chinese economics is not limited by the need to let foreigners understand China’s story and understand the mysteries of China’s growth as it guides China’s economy to a healthy and sustainable future, at least in the initial stage, one of the most basic things it can do is to summarize the Chinese economic experience.

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