CEE Countries and the USA | NEW BOOK

Chief Editor: Dr. Chen Xin



This book is providing a comprehensive overview of the new developments and dynamics of the current relations between the US and CEE countries. The authors have analyzed the bilateral relations from various perspectives and covered the latest developments in their relations, which is very helpful to have a further understanding of US-CEE relations and their interests. The book is a collection of 17 reports written by the associate researchers of the China-CEE Institute. The reports are originally published as the February external relations issue of the 2021 Weekly Briefings. Weekly Briefing is a core product of the China-CEE Institute. The views in the book are represented by the individual authors instead of the China-CEE Institute.

China-CEE Institute, registered as a non-profit limited company in Budapest, Hungary, was established by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) in April 2017. China-CEE Institute builds ties and strengthens partnerships with academic institutions and think tanks in Hungary, Central and Eastern European countries, as well as other parts of Europe. China-CEE Institute aims to encourage scholars and researchers to carry out joint research and field studies, organize seminars and lecture series, hold some training programs for younger students, and publish academic results, etc.

I hope this book will be helpful to enrich the knowledge of history, latest developments, dynamics, and even the future development of the US-CEE relations.


Prof. Dr. CHEN Xin

Executive President and Managing Director, China-CEE Institute Deputy Director General, Institute of European Studies, CASS


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